Cochran Boiler_BME_namodi
Specifications :
The specifications of one such boiler are as under.
Shell diameter : 2.75m
Height : 5.75m
Working pressure : 6.5 bar ( Maximum 15 bar )
Steam capacity : 3500 kg / hr
Heating surface area : 120 m2
Efficiency : 70% to 75%
Characteristics of the boiler :
1. It is vertical.
2. It is portable.
3. It is fire tube boiler.
4. It is multi tube boiler.
5. It is internally fired.
6. It has natural circulation.
7. Solid as well as liquid fuel can be burnt.
8. It is horizontal tube boiler.
Construction Details :
It consists of :
1. Cylindrical shell 2. Fire box 3. Grate 4. Ash pan
5. Flue pipe 6. Combustion chamber 7. Smoke chamber 8. Steam space
Mountings : 1. Steam pressure gauge 2. Water level indicator 3. Dead weight safety valve
4. Feed check valve 5. Blow off cock 6. Steam stop valve 7. Man hole 8. Fusible plug 9. Anti priming pipe
Working : The water is fed into the boiler through the feed check valve. The level is adjusted with the help of water level indicator. Coal is added through the fire hole to the grate and burnt. The hot gases produced are collected in the fire box. From fire box, the gases pass on to the combustion chamber through the short flue pipe with considerable velocity. The fire brick lining in the combustion chamber deflects the hot gases to pass through the horizontal tubes. From here, the hot gases through smoke box, enter the chimney. The water evaporates and the steam is collected at the top. The steam is taken out for utilization through the steam stop valve.
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