Government Engineering College, Palanpur
Mechanical Engineering Department
Basic Mechanical Engineering (3110006)
Chapter: 6 Steam Boilers
1. Explain Green’s Economizer with neat sketch. (04) (Summer 2018)
2. Explain with neat sketch the construction and working of Babcock and Wilcox boiler.Show
path of the gases and water in it. (07)
3. Give classification of Boilers. (04) (Summer 2018)
4. Draw the figure of Cochran boiler and explain its
construction and working. (07) (Summer
2017,2016) (Winter 2017)
5. What is boiler mountings and accessories? Also give
the list of it. (04) (Summer 2017) (Winter 2018)
Explain the difference between boiler mountings and
accessories.(03) (Summer 2016)
7. With neat sketch explain the construction and working
of (i) Fusible plug and (ii) Air pre
heater (iii) Bourden pressure gauge. (07) (Summer
2016) (Winter 2017)
8. With neat sketch explain construction and working of
Super heater. (07)(Winter 2017)
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