
Chapter:- 11                                                   
  1. Differentiate between a Brake and a Clutch. (03) (Summer 2016)
  2. What are bearings? How are they classified? (03) (Summer 2018)
  3. Explain flange coupling with neat sketch   (04) (Summer 2017)
  4. What is brake? Describe an internal expanding shoe brake with a neat sketch and state its applications. (07) (Summer 2017) (Winter 2016,2018)
  5. With neat sketch explain construction and working of cone clutch.(03) (Winter 2016)
Chapter:- 12

  1. Explain with neat sketch the working of belt drives, Chain drive and gear drives. (Summer 2016) (Winter 2016,2018)
  2. Compare Belt drive, Chain drive and Gear drive.
Chapter:- 13

  1.  Define: Resilience, Creep, Ductility, Hardness, Elasticity, Fatigue. (Summer 2018) (Winter 2017)
  2. Classify plain carbon steel. Compare their properties and application.(03) (Summer 2018)
  3. Classify properties of engineering material.(03) (Summer 2017,2016)
  4. List properties and application of Titanium and its alloys. (03) (Winter 2017)
  5. How metals are classified? Show with block diagram. (03) (Winter 2018)


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