
        Chapter: 4                                                                                            Properties of Steam
  1.  Define the following terms: (i) Heat of superheat (ii) Degree of superheat (iii) Critical point (iv) Latent Heat. (04) (Summer 2018)
  2.  With a neat sketch explain structure and working of combined separating and throttling   calorimeter and derive the suitable equation for finding the dryness fraction of steam. (07) (Summer 2018)
  3.  Explain steam formation with figure also draw T-H diagram. (07) (Summer 2017, Winter 2018)
  4.  Define the terms 1.Melting point 2.Boiling point 3.Critical point (03) (Summer 2017)
  5. What is throttling calorimeter? Explain its limitation. (03) (Winter 2018)
  6.  Dryness fraction of steam cannot have the value more than unity: Justify (03) (Winter 2018)
  7.  Calculate the total amount of heat required to produce 6 kg of steam at a pressure of 6 bar and temperature of 258 °C from the water at 30 °C. Take specific heat of steam = 2.1 kJ/kg-K. and the specific heat of water = 4.187 kJ/kg-K. (07) (Summer 2016)
  8.  Calculate mass of 0.2m3 of steam at 10 bar pressure having dryness fraction of 0.7. Also calculate enthalpy, internal energy, and external work during evaporation of 2 m3 of steam. (07) (Winter 2017)
  9. 1.5kg of steam at a pressure of 10bar and temperature of 250°C is expanded until the pressure becomes 2.8bar. The dryness fraction of steam is then 0.9.  Calculate change in Internal Energy (07) (Winter 2018)


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