

Chapter: 5                                                                                                             Heat Engine        Classify and explain the thermodynamic system with giving two suitable engineering examples of each. (03) (Summer 2018)        Define heat engine. Explain the essential requirements of heat engine with suitable figure. (04) (Summer 2018)      Draw air standard diesel cycle on p-...


  Chapter:8                                                                                                                                  Pumps With neat sketch explain construction and working of gear pump and screw pump. (04) (Summer 2018) (Winter 2017) What is priming? Why it is required in centrifugal pump but not in reciprocating pump. (03) (Summer 2017) With neat sketch explain in brief the working of Vane pump. (03) (Summer 2016) Differentiate between reciprocating pump and centrifugal pump.(04) (Winter 2017) Chapter: 9                               ...


Chapter:- 11                                                    Differentiate between a Brake and a Clutch. (03)  (Summer 2016) What are bearings? How are they classified? (03) (Summer 2018) Explain flange coupling with neat sketch    (04) (Summer 2017) What is brake?  Describe an internal expanding shoe brake with a neat sketch and state its applications. (07) (Summer 2017) (Winter 2016,2018) With neat sketch explain construction and working of cone clutch.(03)  (Winter 2016) Chapter:- 12 Explain with neat sketch the working of belt drives, Chain drive and gear drives. (Summer 2016) (Winter 2016,2018) Compare Belt drive, Chain drive and Gear drive. Chapter:- 13   Define: Resilience, Creep, Ductility, Hardness, Elasticity, Fatigue.  (Summer 2018) (Winter 2017) Classify plain carbon steel. Compare t...


        Chapter: 4                                                                                            Properties of Steam   Define the following terms: (i) Heat of superheat (ii) Degree of superheat (iii) Critical point (iv) Latent Heat. (04) (Summer 2018)   With a neat sketch explain structure and working of combined separating and throttling   calorimeter and derive the suitable equation for finding the dryness fraction of steam. (07) (Summer 2018)   Explain steam formation wit...


      Chapter:3                                                                                               Properties of Gases Define: Gas Constant, FAD (Summer 2018) Derive characteristics equation of a perfect gas with the help of Boyle’s law and Charle’s law. (03) (Summer 2018) What is adiabatic process? Prove with usual notations the law of governing adiabatic process as PV γ = Constant. (07) (Summer 2018) (Winter 2017)   Prove that Cp – Cv =R. (03) (Summer 2017,2016) Describe Isothermal ...

Lancashire Boiler_BME

This type of boiler is used in sugar mills and textile industries where, the steam is    required for power generation as well as for the process work. This boiler is also used in chemical industries. Specifications :  The specifications of one such boiler are as under.            Shell diameter            : 2 to 3 m            Length of shell           : 7 to 9 m  Working pressure      : 16 bar  Steam capacity          : 8000-9000 kg / hr        Efficiency                  :  50 to 70 % Characteristics of boiler :  1.It is horizontal.  2.  It is stationary. 3.  It is fire tube type. 4.  It is internally fired. 5.  It is multi tube boiler. 6.  It has natural circulation of hot gase...

Babcock and Wilcox Boiler_BME

BABCOCK AND WILCOX BOILER  This boiler is exclusively used when pressure is above 25 bar and capacity requirement is in excess of 7000 kg of steam/hr. It is a water tube boiler. It is used to operate at high pressures. Specifications :  The particulars relating to one such boiler is given as under.  Diameter of drum   : 2000 to 4000 mm  Length    : 6000 to 9000 mm  Size of the water tubes  : 76.2 to 101.6 mm  Size of the upper header tubes : 38.4 to 57.1 mm  Maximum working pressure : 42 bar  Maximum steaming capacity : 40,000 kg/hr  Efficiency    : 60 to 80 % Characteristics of boilers  1.It is horizontal. 2. It is stationary. 3. It is water tube. 4. Number of tubes are many. 5. It is externally fired. 6. It is has natural circulation for water. 7. It has a forced circulation for air and hot gases. 8. It uses both solid as well as liquid fuel. 9. It is high pressure boiler....